The fellowship was well attended. Johnny Chew opened the fellowship with a prayer. Telly Oon led the singing of hymns Nos 38 and 142 from Sha'ir Puji-pujian. Ester led in the singing of choruses nos. 15, 22 and 31. Samuel Phuah accompanied on the guitar.
Albert Ong's video presentation flashed back to a worship service in Malang, this month being the 1st anniversary of the Mission trip to Malang in East Java, followed by the singing of SPP#101:
"S-panjang jalan Tuhan pimpin".
Telly Oon was the speaker of the day. She spoke on " Mari bersama-sama melayani Tuhan" with ref: 1 Kor 1:19.
After testimony time, Johnny Chew read the announcements, and Tommy Wijaya said the closing prayer.
The fellowship concluded with a fellowship tea and fried noodles prepared by Jenny Phuah.