Saturday, May 24, 2014

102: Persahabatan Peranakan-Indonesia - Sat 24 May 2014

Rev Jimmy Wong opened the fellowship with a prayer.

Ester was Worship Leader with Michael Wee, Charles Koh and Peter Yeo the musical accompaniment. Jenny Phuah gave the announcements.

The fellowship was well attended with a few visitors from Pasir Panjang.

Abang Johnny Chew gave a testimony; so did Telly Oon & Ester. A prayer was said for Abang Johnny's recovery.

Mr Jeffrey Goh brought the message with reference to verses from Ecclesiastes based on the actions of King Solomon.

The attendees enjoyed the singing.

A fellowship meal brought the meeting to conclusion.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

101: Peranakan-Indonesia Picnic - Sun 18 May 2014

Four videos have been posted in Youtube. Search under the label: Peranakan-Indonesia Picnic".

Saturday, April 26, 2014

100: Persahabatan Peranakan-Indonesia - Sabtu 26 Apr 2014

Nyanyian Puji-pujian:

Singing choruses:

Abang Johnny Chew singing & testifying:

Albert Ong presenting his item: "Mengingati Paskah".

Message from Mrs Kodrat

Testimony & closing prayer:

Fellowship meal

Enjoying one another's company.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

99: Persahabatan Peranakan-Indonesia - Sabtu 22 Mac 2014

It was the 6th anniversary of the fellowship which began 6 years ago in the PMC Music Room with just 5 attendees.

Ester leading the singing with Samuel Phuah on the guitar and Charles Koh with his harmonica.

Mrs Phebe Kodrat gave the opening prayer.

Albert Ong gave a quiz to flashback on that inaugural meeting.

Cover page of the Powerpoint of the quiz.

Mdm Habibah Samardi brought the message.

Jenny Phuah gave the announcements.

Albert Ong said the closing prayer & grace.

Enjoying the fellowship snacks prepared by Sister Baby Khoo.