Saturday, December 4, 2010

45: Fellowship on 4 Dec 2010

The final gathering for 2010 was a Christmas Fellowship. Abang Johnny Chew was worship leader with Samuel Phuah as the guitarist.

Feby from Bogor, West Java, led the singing of "Malam Kudus".
View video >>>.
Mrs Telly Oon spoke on "Hadiah dalam hadiah".

Mrs Evelyn Ong, Mrs Chan and Abang Johnny testified on how God has blessed them.

Feby and Abraham led in singing the closing song "Selamat Hari Natal dan Tahun Baru".
After benediction, the gathering adjourned downstairs for a fellowship meal of laksa prepared by Mrs Shirley Wong.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

44: Fellowship on 6 Nov 2010

The Fellowship had the best attendance so far as all the seats in the Music Room were taken.
Rev Jimmy Wong opened the fellowship with a prayer. The worship leader was Mrs Telly Oon with Samual Phuah as the guitarist. Mr Johnny Chew updated us with the announcements.

There were two song items: one by Telly and Kay, and another by Chee Hong who sang "Ku Tak Tahu Hari Esokku".
Bro William Tan from the Pasir Panjang Peranakan Kumpulan delivered the sermon entitled: "Blajar lah lmbot dan rndah hati dari Isa!", text: Matius 11:29
"Pakai-lah sahya punya kok, dan blajari-lah deri-pada sahya; kerna sahya lmbot dan rndah-hati, dan kamu nanti dapat perhentian pada kamu punya jiwa."
The fellowship concluded with a fellowship tea downstairs with delicious mee-siam prepared by Jenny Phuah.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

43: Day Trip to Batam via Harbour Bay

Eight Peranakan Ministry members made a day trip to Batam to pay their respects to the late Rev Kodrat and give condolence to the family.
The following video records the trip >>>.
The funeral service video is accessible via item 41 below.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

42: Abang Johnny Re-elected to LCEC

Our congratulations go to Abang Johnny Chew for being re-elected to the LCEC (Local Church Executive Committee) for 2010/2011 as Co-ordinator, Peranakan Ministry.
He also serves as Church Archivist and Honorary Steward. The installation & dedication service took place at PMC this morning Sun 10 Oct 2010.
(In the photo above taken at the 9am service, Abang Johnny is standing second from the left in the front row.)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

41: Funeral Service for Rev Thomas Kodrat

The above picture shows a team of eight from PMC, PLMC and KKMC who went to Batam as members of the Persahabatan Peranakan-Indonesia to attend the funeral service of Rev Thomas Kodrat.
To view a video of the service, click here >>>.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

40: Fellowship on 2 Oct 2010

The fellowship on 2 Oct had 32 participants. Mrs Telly Oon led the worship with Samual Phuah at the guitar. Abang Johnny made the announcements including the death of Pendita Kodrat at Batam. Evelyn and Albert led the singing of "Tinggal Serta-ku" with music video accompaniment. To view the music video click here >>>
The message "Kemurahan Tuhan" (2 Raja-raja 5: 1-27) was delivered by Md Habibah Samadi from Paya Lebar Methodist Church. The session ended with a fellowship tea.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

39: Fellowship on 4 Sep 2010

Johnny Chew opened the fellowship with a prayer. Uli Minta was song leader with Samuel Phuah at the guitar. The speaker was Telly Oon who spoke on "Satu" - (Roma 5: 18). Mrs Chan sang a song she learned from PLMC. Albert Ong shared about the recent GYM Batam Mission Trip with a video. The gathering formed small groups of 3s to pray for one another. The meeting ended with a tea fellowship.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

38: Fellowship on 7 Aug 2010

The fellowship began with joyous singing of hymns from Sha'ir Puji-pujian led by Kalimah. Rev Douglas Goh from Pentecostal Christian Community gave the message on "Following Jesus". Abang Johnny and Albert testified. Sam played the guitar.
Refreshments were served after the fellowship: meesiam prepared by Taci Baby and dessert by Shirley's domestic helper.

Friday, July 30, 2010

35: Mereka Akan Memperkenalkan GYM

Sa-belas orang yang pergi ke Batam ialah ahli Persahabatan Peranakan-Indonesia dan GYM.
Melihatlah video mereka menyediakan untuk memperkenalkan kegiatan GYM >>>

34: Batam Mission Trip

Some members of the Persahabatan Peranakan-Indonesia are going to Pulau Batam during the period 14-16 Aug 2010, led by Rev Jimmy Wong.
Here's a video of the pre-trip preparation and the 3-day schedule >>>

Saturday, July 3, 2010

33: Fellowship on 3 Jul 2010

The Peranakan-Indonesian Fellowship on Sat 3 Jul 2010 saw a good turnout of elderly Babas and Nonyas as well as Indonesian domestic helpers. Rev Raymond Seet delivered a sermon in Bahasa on "Loving One Another" with text from Yohanes 13: 34-35. Abang Johnny Chew opened the gathering with a prayer. Ms Telly Oon led the singing.
Also present was Ms Kalimah, a missionary from Bogor. The guitarist was Samuel Phuah. The gathering ended with a tea fellowship.

Monday, June 7, 2010

32: "Doa Tuhan Yesus"

This song "Doa Tuhan Yesus" or "The Lord's Prayer" in Bahasa Baba Malay was modified from the "Order of Worship" or "Peraturan Smbahyang di Gereja" of Sha'ir Puji-Pujian. Piggybacking on "Millenium Prayer" sung by Cliff Richard, its music "Auld Lange Syne" was downloaded from Internet.
I arranged this song in a wmv for Worship Leader Mr Johnny Chew to lead the persahabatan to sing it on 5 Jun 2010.
To view and sing this song, click here >>>.

31: Syarah: "Ada Apa Dalam Namanya?"

The speaker for the 5 Jun 2010 session was Mr Albert Ong who spoke on "Ada Apa Dalam Namanya?" or "What's in a name?"

To view the text of the sharing, click here >>>

30: Fellowship on 5 Jun 2010

This fellowship session fell on a period of school vacation, resulting in our musicians going on tour. However, an alternative was found: using the computer and playing Windows Media Video music files for "Names of God", "Dalam nama Yesus" and "Doa Tuhan".
The worship leader was Mr Johnny Chew and the song leader was Ms Minta Uli. The speaker was Mr Albert Ong.

29: Fellowship on 3 Apr 2010

The fellowship started on a firm note of joyful singing led by Ms Uli and Olive. Mrs Telly Oon brought the message from God's Word. Mr Samuel Phuah and Mr Johnny Chew presented an Easter song item with a video slideshow. To view the video slideshow, click here >>>.

28: Fellowship on 6 Mar 2010

The worship leader Mr Johnny Chew began the meeting with a prayer followed by singing led by Ms Olive. The speaker was Rev Tinambunan from the Trinity Theological College. Ms Maggie gave a testimony. Mr Samuel Phuah supplied music on his guitar.

27: Fellowship on 2 Jan 2010

The speaker for the fellowship was Ms Minta Uli. Ms Olive and Uli led the singing. Mr Samuel Phuah accompanied the singing on his guitar.

26: Shair Puji-Pujian #16

To sing with the music and lyrics provided in this video,click here >>>.

25:Peranakan Sextet Sang "Yesus ada sobat kita"

The Peranakan ladies sang "Yesus ada sobat kita" using background music by Connie Maria Mamahit.
To view the video, click here >>>.

24: TRAC Peranakan Singers 26 Sep 2009 (Video)

To view this video, click here >>>.

23: TRAC Seniors Aldersgate Celebration 2009

Six nonya ladies from the Peranakan-Indonesia Fellowship presented a musical item entitled "Yesus ada sobat kita" at this function held in the ACS Centre of Performing Arts. To view the event, click here >>>.

22: Video of Persahabatan Peranakan-Indonesia 2009

This video summarises the Fellowship sessions of 2009. To view the events, click here >>>

21: Fellowship on 5 Dec 2009

The last session for 2009 saw Rev Jimmy Wong bringing the message from God's Word.
The worship leader was Mr Johnny Chew. A lively song item came from four Indonesian maidens who sang sweetly. After the session, the attendees had tea fellowship downstairs.

20: Fellowship on 7 Nov 2009

Ms Uli led the singing while Rev Raymond Seet brought the message from God's Word.
Mrs Nancy Boon gave her testimony on God's goodness to her.

19: Fellowship on 5 Sep 2009

The Speaker was : Rev Victor Tinambunan; Text: Matius 6: 5-8. Music came from Ms Melinda Tham on the piano, while Nicholas and Rodney accompanied on the guitar. Rev Jimmy Wong gave the benediction.

18: Fellowship on 1 Aug 2009

The worship leader Mr Johnny Chew opened the session with a prayer. The Speaker was Ps Raymond Seet from Emmanuel Assembly of God. The Message:"Bagaimana untuk mengerti jalan Tuhan". Uli and Esther led the singing while Rodney played the guitar.

17: Fellowship on 4 Jul 2009

The speaker of the day was : Mr Johnny Chew; Message:"Mengabur yang besar"- Lukas 8:1-15. Uli and Esther led in an action song. Kay and Telly gave a song item while Esther and Albert gave their testimony.

16: Fellowship on 6 Jun 2009

Ms Minta Uli was the speaker for this session. Telly and Albert gave their testimony while Olive, Uli and Esther presented a song item. Rodney accompanied on his guitar.

15: Fellowship on 2 May 2009

The worship leader Mr Johnny Chew opened the session by inviting Rev Tinambunan to say a prayer. Uli and Esther led the singing of praise songs and choruses. The speaker was Rev Raymond Seet from Emmanuel Assembly of God. Mrs Evelyn Ong gave a song item.

14: Fellowship on 4 Apr 2009

Nonya ladies dressed in sarong kebaya graced the occasion and sang "Yesus ada sobat kita"" or "What a friend we have in Jesus" in Bahasa Indonesia. Ms Uli led in the singing of praise songs assisted by Esther and Rodney on his guitar. Rev Jimmy Wong brought the message.

13: Fellowship on 6 Mar 2009

Lively singing preceded Rev Victor Tinambunan's sermon. Esther shared her testimony.

12: Fellowship on 7 Feb 2009

The speaker was Rev Raymond Seet from Emmanuel Assembly of God Church. The worship leader was Mr Johnny Chew. Ms Uli and Esther led the singing of lively choruses. Mr Rodney Yeo accompanied on his guitar. Rev Jimmy Wong gave the benediction.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

11: Fellowship on 3 Jan 2009

The first session of the year 2009 began with Miss Kalimah from Bogor, Indonesia, sharing her experiences as a new missionary. She is a product of PMC's MTM (Maid To Missionary project).

Worship leader was Mr Johnny Chew, song leader: Ms Uli, pianist: Ms Melinda Tham, benediction: Rev V Tinambunan.

10a: Persahabatan Video 2008

This video summarises the fellowship sessions of 2008.
To view, click here >>> for a quick flashback.

10: Fellowship on 6 Dec 2008

The final fellowship session of 2008 had Ms Mira from Indonesia as the speaker. Mr Johnny Chew was the worship leader with Ms Uli leading in the singing of choruses. At the end of the session, there was a fellowship tea at the carpark foyer.

9: Fellowship on 1 Nov 2008

The ninth fellowship has Rev Victor Tinambunan as guest speaker. His topic was : "Kehidupan Paulus" with text from Efesus 4:4. Mrs Telly Oon testified.

8: Fellowship on 4 Oct 2008

Praise God! This fellowship saw the inaugural sharing by an Indonesian domestic helper Miss Minta Uli who spoke on "Kapan saja dan dimana saja" based on Efesus 2:11-19. We pray that this would be a start for her to serve the Lord when she returns to her home country.

7: Fellowship on 6 Sep 2008

The speaker was Mr Johnny Chew who spoke on "Hidup yang berfaedah" taken from John's gospel.

6: Fellowship on 2Aug 2008

The sixth fellowship had active participation from the Indonesian attendees who sang Indonesian lagu rohani, as well as a song item from three nonya ladies. The speaker was Rev Victor Tinambunan who spoke on "Tuhan Perlihara Kita Hingga Tua".

5: Fellowship on 5 Jul 2008

The fifth fellowship had a guest speaker Rev Raymond Seet from Emmanuel Assembly of God.
He spoke on "Perempuan Siro-Fenisia Yang Percaya".

4: Fellowship on 7 Jun 2008

The fourth fellowship saw more participation as many came forward to testify of God's goodness.
The speaker Mr Albert Ong spoke on "Jangan Lihat Rupa-nya Sahaja" (Don't look at appearances only". Mr Johnny Chew was the Worship Leader, the pianist was Ms MelindaTham.