Tuesday, October 12, 2010

43: Day Trip to Batam via Harbour Bay

Eight Peranakan Ministry members made a day trip to Batam to pay their respects to the late Rev Kodrat and give condolence to the family.
The following video records the trip >>>.
The funeral service video is accessible via item 41 below.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

42: Abang Johnny Re-elected to LCEC

Our congratulations go to Abang Johnny Chew for being re-elected to the LCEC (Local Church Executive Committee) for 2010/2011 as Co-ordinator, Peranakan Ministry.
He also serves as Church Archivist and Honorary Steward. The installation & dedication service took place at PMC this morning Sun 10 Oct 2010.
(In the photo above taken at the 9am service, Abang Johnny is standing second from the left in the front row.)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

41: Funeral Service for Rev Thomas Kodrat

The above picture shows a team of eight from PMC, PLMC and KKMC who went to Batam as members of the Persahabatan Peranakan-Indonesia to attend the funeral service of Rev Thomas Kodrat.
To view a video of the service, click here >>>.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

40: Fellowship on 2 Oct 2010

The fellowship on 2 Oct had 32 participants. Mrs Telly Oon led the worship with Samual Phuah at the guitar. Abang Johnny made the announcements including the death of Pendita Kodrat at Batam. Evelyn and Albert led the singing of "Tinggal Serta-ku" with music video accompaniment. To view the music video click here >>>
The message "Kemurahan Tuhan" (2 Raja-raja 5: 1-27) was delivered by Md Habibah Samadi from Paya Lebar Methodist Church. The session ended with a fellowship tea.