Saturday, November 6, 2010

44: Fellowship on 6 Nov 2010

The Fellowship had the best attendance so far as all the seats in the Music Room were taken.
Rev Jimmy Wong opened the fellowship with a prayer. The worship leader was Mrs Telly Oon with Samual Phuah as the guitarist. Mr Johnny Chew updated us with the announcements.

There were two song items: one by Telly and Kay, and another by Chee Hong who sang "Ku Tak Tahu Hari Esokku".
Bro William Tan from the Pasir Panjang Peranakan Kumpulan delivered the sermon entitled: "Blajar lah lmbot dan rndah hati dari Isa!", text: Matius 11:29
"Pakai-lah sahya punya kok, dan blajari-lah deri-pada sahya; kerna sahya lmbot dan rndah-hati, dan kamu nanti dapat perhentian pada kamu punya jiwa."
The fellowship concluded with a fellowship tea downstairs with delicious mee-siam prepared by Jenny Phuah.