Saturday, December 22, 2012

83: Christmas Celebration - 22 Dec 2012

The Peranakan-Indonesian Fellowship celebrated Christmas with a record turn-out of 70 participants.Rev Jimmy Wong opened the session with a prayer. Johnny Chew was worship leader and Samuel Phuah the guitarist.Many activities were organised: e.g. song items by an Indonesian Youth Quintet with Trivenna Christiany on the guitar (Click here for their video)and Jenny's Ukulele Band ( Click here to see video). The Peranakan Singers presented a 3-carol item. There were 2 quizzes - 1 by Albert Ong and 1 by Ester, both with token prizes for the correct answers.There was also a magic show.

The highlight of the day was a sermon by Ibu Phebe Kodrat on the meaning of Christmas.

Gift tokens of appreciation were presented to all the participants.
There was a buffet dinner to conclude the celebration.
To see a video of the day's celebration in full, click here. The Ukulele Band's other video are: Semut. Merry Christmas. Joget.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

82: Day 2 in Batam - 4 Dec 12

The main program of the day was a trip to Barelang. Barelang is a cluster of 5 bridges connecting 5 islands in Batam. But first, a visit to the market to buy some kuih2 and breakfast.
Barelang bridge is an awesome bridge.
We visited a dragon fruit plantation. But the fruit was off season and we could see only a few of them. But the drink was refreshing.
We next had a look at the Barelang Fishing Port.
After lunch we returned to base for a rest before setting out to Batam Centre to take the ferry home.

81: PMC Peranakan di Batam - Day 1

PMC Peranakan were invited to celebrate Christmas with Gereja Methodist Indonesia "Ebenhaezer" Batam by their DS Bahtia Sinaga. The team arrived.
The celebration worship service began at noon.
Christmas carols such as "Malam kudus" and "Mari kita berhimpun" were sung.
PMC Peranakan team sang 3 carols in Bahasa Indonesia.
Other items including a Christmas Bible Quiz by Albert Ong followed. The celebration concluded with a sumptuous lunch prepared by the host church.
After the celebration there was time for shopping @ Mega Mall Batam Centre. Then the team departed for home, leaving 5 to continue fellowshipping with the hosts overnight.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

80: Persahabatan Peranakan-Indonesia : 24 Nov 12

The fellowship was well attended. Abang Johnny opened the fellowship with a prayer. Telly Oon was worship leader with Ester leading the singing of choruses (Click to see video). Sam and Jonathan accompanied on the ukelele.
The speaker was Mr William Tan who spoke from 1 Peter. Albert Ong led 4 other members of the Peranakan Singers in a song with video support. Ester and Jelli sang a duet.
Michael Tan gave a testimony. A fellowship meal of chicken curry and bread prepared by Jenny Phuah concluded the session.

79: Peranakan Singers @ CMC SOY 23 Nov 12

Fifteen members of the Peranakan Singers were @ Bedok MC to present a 3-song Christmas Carol item in Bahasa Indonesia to the Christ MC "Songs of yesteryears" fellowship on Fri 23 Nov. They sang "Malam kudus" (Silent Night), "Mari kita berhimpun" (O come all ye faithful) and "Bapa trima kasih" (Thank you, Father).

Here's a video of their 2nd song:Click here to view video

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

76: Peranakan Singers' Song Practice - 31 Oct 12

The 2nd practice will be held on Wed 31 Oct 12 @ 2pm in the Music Room. The Peranakan Singers have 3 engagements to sing at:
1: Christ MC Songs of yesteryears - 23 Nov 12
2: PMC Combined GYM-Peranakan Christmas Party - 1 Dec 12
3: Persahabatan Peranakan-Indonesia - 22 Dec 12

Saturday, October 27, 2012

75: Peranakan-Indonesia Fellowship - 27 Oct 12

The Fellowship commenced at 4pm with Johnny Chew as Worship Leader, Ester leading the singing of choruses, and Samuel Phua at the guitar. Albert Ong shared a verse from Alkitab, Matius 11:28 and a video clip of the Peranakan-Indonesia fellowship picnic held last Sunday.

Telly Oon was the speaker. She read a passage from Mazmur to illustrate her point.

Mrs Phebe Kodrat pronounced the benediction.

The fellowship concluded with snacks downstairs of meegoreng cooked by Baby Khoo.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

74: Peranakan Singers' Song Practice - 24 Oct 12

The Peranakan Singers had their 1st practice for the Combined GYM-Peranakan Christmas Party which will be held on 1 Dec.

Abang Johnny coached the singers in pronouncing the more difficult Indonesian words as the carols are in Bahasa Indonesia.

Then Albert Ong played the following video for them to follow the music.

Click here to view the video

(Above): The practice in session.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

73: Picnic @ Changi & Marina Barrage - 21 Oct 12

Twenty-five members of the Peranakan-Indonesia Fellowship & friends enjoyed a day of fellowship at a picnic in Changi Beach Park.

Click to view a video of the event @ Changi Beach Park.

But it rained halfway through the picnic, so they moved to Marina Barrage where there is shelter to continue their fellowship.

Click to view a video of the event @ Marina Barrage.

A section of the participants:

Saturday, October 20, 2012

72: Tomorrow's the Picnic @ Changi Beach Park

Yes, we are set for tomorrow's Picnic @ Changi Beach Park followed by a tour of Gardens by the Bay.

Weather forecast is: Thundery showers over the eastern part of SGP. Hmmm... must think of a wet weather plan.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

71: Persahabatan Peranakan-Indonesia Sat 22 Sep 12

Sdr Johnny Chew opened the fellowship with a prayer. Telly Oon was worship leader and Samuel Phuah the guitarist with Jonathan Tan on the ukelele.
Ester led the chorus singing and sang a duet with Jelli. Albert Ong presented a Bible Quiz. See video of the quiz.
Rev Douglas Goh from Pentecostal Christian Community brought the message with reference from Mat 7: 7-11 on how God answers prayer.
The fellowship concluded with refreshments prepared by Jennie Phuah.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

70: Persahabatan Peranakan-Indonesia - Sat 25 Aug 12

The monthly Fellowship was well-attended. It opened with the song "Trust and obey" in peranakan Malay. Click to view video.

The highlight was a sermon by Mdm Habibah Samardi who spoke on the topic: "Percaya kepada Tuhan". Ref Alkitab: 1 Petrus 5: 6-11.

Telly Oon led the worship with Ester leading the chorus singing. Johnny Chew gave the announcements. Samuel Phuah accompanied on the guitar. Albert Ong presented a quiz on "Cerita2 dari Alkitab".

After the sermon, there was a time for testimony. Phebe Kodrat testified on how God helped to solve her son's house purchase problem.

The fellowship ended with the hymn SPP#223: "Almaseh yang mnghantarkan" (He leadeth me). After Johnny Chew pronounced the benediction, there was a fellowship meal downstairs with noodles cooked by Baby Khoo.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

69: Persahabatan Peranakan-Indonesia Sat 28 Jul 12

Johnny Chew opened the fellowship with a prayer. Telly Oon led the singing of hymns.
Ester led in singing the choruses. Then Mrs Phebe Kodrat delivered a sermon with text ref: Mazmur 42:12, concluding with Phi 4:13.
Music today was supplied by Albert Ong with the use of WMV music videos. We also sang "O Tuhan pimpinlah langkahku" and NRM42 -Indonesian version of "How great Thou art", songs that we sang in our Batam mission trip two years ago. After the singing of the closing hymn, Johnny Chew pronounced the benediction.A fellowship meal followed at the carpark downstairs with beehoon cooked by Sister Baby Khoo.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

68: Peranakan-Indonesia Fellowship Sat 23 Jun 12

Rev Jimmy Wong opened the fellowship with a prayer. Telly Oon was worship leader with Samuel Phuah on the guitar. Ester led in the choruses. Johnny Chew made the announcements. Ester and Albert Ong presented their testimonies on how they were blessed.

Rev Raymond Seet spoke on Faith (Melangkah dalam Iman) based on 2 Cor 5:7. After the closing hymn, Mrs Phebe Kodrat pronounced the benediction.

The session concluded with a fellowship meal of chicken curry with french loaf and cake. The curry was cooked by Jenny Phuah.

Friday, June 1, 2012

67: Peranakan-Indonesia Fellowship Sat 26 May 2012

The fellowship was well attended. Johnny Chew opened the fellowship with a prayer. Telly Oon led the singing of hymns Nos 38 and 142 from Sha'ir Puji-pujian. Ester led in the singing of choruses nos. 15, 22 and 31. Samuel Phuah accompanied on the guitar.
Albert Ong's video presentation flashed back to a worship service in Malang, this month being the 1st anniversary of the Mission trip to Malang in East Java, followed by the singing of SPP#101: "S-panjang jalan Tuhan pimpin". Telly Oon was the speaker of the day. She spoke on " Mari bersama-sama melayani Tuhan" with ref: 1 Kor 1:19.
After testimony time, Johnny Chew read the announcements, and Tommy Wijaya said the closing prayer.
The fellowship concluded with a fellowship tea and fried noodles prepared by Jenny Phuah.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

66: Peranakan-Indonesia Fellowship 28 Apr 2012

The fellowship was held in the Music Room at 4pm. Telly led in the singing.Maggie gave a personal testimony. Albert led in the singing of 2 hymns from Sha'ir Puji-pujian nos 62 and 170.
Mrs Phebe Kodrat was the speaker of the day. She spoke on forgiveness and that we should not harbour grudges. Title of sermon: "Apa yang di tuntut Tuhan bagi ku". Scripture passage: Micah 6:8.
After Tommy Wijaya said the closing prayer, we had a fellowship meal of fried noodles and other snacks prepared by Mrs Baby Khoo.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

65: GYM Easter Fellowship 11 Apr 12

Coming soon: so watch out for it. It's a multi-media production. Venue: PMC Chapel. Time: 3pm on Wed 11 Apr 2012.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

64: Peranakan-Indonesian Fellowship 24 Mar 2012

Rev Jimmy Wong opened the fellowship with a prayer.
Worship leader Telly Oon led the singing of hymns Sha'ir Puji-pujian 170 and Sha'ir Puji-pujian 262 via music video produced by Albert Ong for the singing as the guitarist was unable to come. Ester led the singing of Indonesian choruses.
Tommy Wijaya brought the message based on the Temptations of Jesus in Matt 4. The closing hymn was Sha'ir Puji-pujian 102.
The fellowship ended with snacks of longtong cooked by Baby Khoo.