Saturday, June 23, 2012

68: Peranakan-Indonesia Fellowship Sat 23 Jun 12

Rev Jimmy Wong opened the fellowship with a prayer. Telly Oon was worship leader with Samuel Phuah on the guitar. Ester led in the choruses. Johnny Chew made the announcements. Ester and Albert Ong presented their testimonies on how they were blessed.

Rev Raymond Seet spoke on Faith (Melangkah dalam Iman) based on 2 Cor 5:7. After the closing hymn, Mrs Phebe Kodrat pronounced the benediction.

The session concluded with a fellowship meal of chicken curry with french loaf and cake. The curry was cooked by Jenny Phuah.

Friday, June 1, 2012

67: Peranakan-Indonesia Fellowship Sat 26 May 2012

The fellowship was well attended. Johnny Chew opened the fellowship with a prayer. Telly Oon led the singing of hymns Nos 38 and 142 from Sha'ir Puji-pujian. Ester led in the singing of choruses nos. 15, 22 and 31. Samuel Phuah accompanied on the guitar.
Albert Ong's video presentation flashed back to a worship service in Malang, this month being the 1st anniversary of the Mission trip to Malang in East Java, followed by the singing of SPP#101: "S-panjang jalan Tuhan pimpin". Telly Oon was the speaker of the day. She spoke on " Mari bersama-sama melayani Tuhan" with ref: 1 Kor 1:19.
After testimony time, Johnny Chew read the announcements, and Tommy Wijaya said the closing prayer.
The fellowship concluded with a fellowship tea and fried noodles prepared by Jenny Phuah.