Tuesday, October 30, 2012

76: Peranakan Singers' Song Practice - 31 Oct 12

The 2nd practice will be held on Wed 31 Oct 12 @ 2pm in the Music Room. The Peranakan Singers have 3 engagements to sing at:
1: Christ MC Songs of yesteryears - 23 Nov 12
2: PMC Combined GYM-Peranakan Christmas Party - 1 Dec 12
3: Persahabatan Peranakan-Indonesia - 22 Dec 12

Saturday, October 27, 2012

75: Peranakan-Indonesia Fellowship - 27 Oct 12

The Fellowship commenced at 4pm with Johnny Chew as Worship Leader, Ester leading the singing of choruses, and Samuel Phua at the guitar. Albert Ong shared a verse from Alkitab, Matius 11:28 and a video clip of the Peranakan-Indonesia fellowship picnic held last Sunday.

Telly Oon was the speaker. She read a passage from Mazmur to illustrate her point.

Mrs Phebe Kodrat pronounced the benediction.

The fellowship concluded with snacks downstairs of meegoreng cooked by Baby Khoo.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

74: Peranakan Singers' Song Practice - 24 Oct 12

The Peranakan Singers had their 1st practice for the Combined GYM-Peranakan Christmas Party which will be held on 1 Dec.

Abang Johnny coached the singers in pronouncing the more difficult Indonesian words as the carols are in Bahasa Indonesia.

Then Albert Ong played the following video for them to follow the music.

Click here to view the video

(Above): The practice in session.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

73: Picnic @ Changi & Marina Barrage - 21 Oct 12

Twenty-five members of the Peranakan-Indonesia Fellowship & friends enjoyed a day of fellowship at a picnic in Changi Beach Park.

Click to view a video of the event @ Changi Beach Park.

But it rained halfway through the picnic, so they moved to Marina Barrage where there is shelter to continue their fellowship.

Click to view a video of the event @ Marina Barrage.

A section of the participants:

Saturday, October 20, 2012

72: Tomorrow's the Picnic @ Changi Beach Park

Yes, we are set for tomorrow's Picnic @ Changi Beach Park followed by a tour of Gardens by the Bay.

Weather forecast is: Thundery showers over the eastern part of SGP. Hmmm... must think of a wet weather plan.