Saturday, October 22, 2011

59: Persahabatan Peranakan-Indonesia 22 Oct 2011

Rev Jimmy Wong opened the fellowship with a prayer. Telly Oon was the worship leader. She led the fellowship with hymns from Puji-Pujian and some choruses. Samuel Phuah was the guitarist.

Abang Johnny Chew made the announcements about next Saturday's Evangelistic Meeting at PMC, and an invitation by Esther's Network to join their Family Gathering on Mon 31 Oct. Michael Tan gave a testimony.

The speaker for this afternoon was Albert Ong
who spoke on the topic: "Megapa datang ke gereja".
View video version of Albert Ong's Powerpoint sharing>>>

The session ended with a fellowship meal @ Praise Room with bread & chicken curry cooked by Jenny Phuah.

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